What is up and coming at Pope Mountain Arts?

Upcoming Events:

Pope Mountain Arts is excited to be open to full capacity offering a wide range of classes for people of all ages. Here is a look at our programming for the next few months.  Some events are still in the early planning stages.

Pysanky Workshop - with Lyndsay Jennings

Pysanky Workshop - with Lyndsay Jennings

Just in time for Easter! Join us for a fun evening of creating these beautiful eggs known as pysanka.

The workshop fee is by donation ($10 recommended) to help cover the cost of the supplies.

Registration is required due to limited space. Please use the form (below) to register.

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Appreciating Poetry - an evening of poems

Appreciating Poetry - an evening of poems

Join us in celebrating the League of Canadian Poets’ National Poetry Month. The theme for 2025 is FAMILY in its various forms: found and chosen family, birth family, and family that defies categorization. We hope you will join us for an evening of poetry reading in our relaxing and welcoming atmosphere.

Please RSVP to confirm if you plan to attend, especially if you wish to recite poetry. The poetry you choose to recite does not have to be your own; we only ask that you credit the poet who authored it.

There is no charge to attend, although donations are always appreciated.

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Beat the Winter Blues - Origami

Beat the Winter Blues - Origami

Let’s fold paper! The art of paper folding (origami) is an ancient art that originated just after the invention of paper. Greenie will demonstrate how to create paper packets for seed saving, and Wendy will help you take flight with paper cranes.

Registration is required due to limited seating. Admission is free but donations are appreciated.

Perhaps you will consider becoming a member of the Community Arts Council. For $20 a year (January to December) you can help support the arts in Fort St. James. Visit the “Our Team” section on our website and select “Member” from the drop-down list.

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Beat the Winter Blues - Calligraphy

Beat the Winter Blues - Calligraphy

Who says handwriting is a lost art? Not Marnie Dinwoodie! She has the “write stuff” to show us the basics of making beautiful letters using calligraphy brush pens.

Registration is required due to limited seating. Admission is free but donations are appreciated.

Perhaps you will consider becoming a member of the Community Arts Council. For $20 a year (January to December) you can help support the arts in Fort St. James. Visit the “Our Team” section on our website and select “Member” from the drop-down list.

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Beat the Winter Blues - Ceramic Plant Tags

Beat the Winter Blues - Ceramic Plant Tags

PLEASE NOTE: This class is now full. You can still register for the waiting list in the event of any cancellations.

Greenie DeShong will be in the pottery studio to help you create a set of ceramic garden tags. How fancy!

Registration is required due to limited seating. Admission is free but donations are appreciated.

Perhaps you will consider becoming a member of the Community Arts Council. For $20 a year (January to December) you can help support the arts in Fort St. James. Visit the “Our Team” section on our website and select “Member” from the drop-down list.

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Introduction to the Pottery Wheel - Part 1

Introduction to the Pottery Wheel - Part 1

Join Lynn and Harvey Goff, along with Greenie DeShong, for a two-day course on using a pottery wheel. This introductory course is suitable for beginners and those with experience who haven’t "thrown mud" in a while.

This hands-on course will get messy … please bring an apron and towel you don’t mind getting dirty! Participants are also encouraged to have short nails as it is difficult to work with clay if you have long nails.

The class is limited to six participants. Registration and payment will be required on, or before, January 22nd to avoid cancellation.

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Winter Wellness - A Community Adult Literacy Program

Winter Wellness - A Community Adult Literacy Program


This workshop is a Fort St. James Public Library initiative. For more information please contact the CALP Coordinator at the FSJ Public Library - 250.996.7431 or calp@fortstjames.bclibrary.ca.

Registration is not required. This session is free - light refreshments will be served.

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Community Holiday Sing-Along at Spirit Square

Community Holiday Sing-Along at Spirit Square

We thought it would be fun to fill the air with holiday songs at Spirit Square.

Everyone is welcome to join in the fun. We will gather in the park at 4:30 pm. Bring song sheets if you have them and get ready to sing, hum or just listen to the beautiful music we will make together.

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Artist's Way Workshop - Art Show Opening Reception

Artist's Way Workshop - Art Show Opening Reception

Join the participants from the Artist’s Way Program as they celebrate the opening of their art show.

Facilitator Lauren Aldred and the program participants have been meeting weekly since September. As a “creative cluster”, they have supported one another as they have worked through the chapters of author Julia Cameron’s book, “The Artist’s Way”. The program includes weekly art projects - many led by the participants themselves - as well as a final artistic project. These art projects will be on display through the month of December.

Participants will be in attendance at the opening night to speak about their journey through this program, and the art they created. We hope to see you there.

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The Art of Spinning Wool into Yarn

The Art of Spinning Wool into Yarn

Amanda Unger is a fibre artist based in Prince George. She is passionate about sustainable fashion and enjoys every step of transforming a sheep's fleece into usable products. In this workshop, she will teach us how to spin prepared fleece into yarn and provide a basic introduction to the process of turning shorn sheep fleece into finished garments.

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Past Events…

“I'm so grateful for what I've learned and the friendships I've fostered through the Pope Mountain Arts Centre.”

— Chelsea Heyer